Schedule & Events

For the most up-to-date class schedule, and a list of the monthly events please use the schedule below:

NOTE! We have updated our video streaming provider to Momence. All currently enrolled individuals will be receiving an email from Momence with their new sign-in account information. Thank you for making this jump with me, I am hoping this is going to bring you a better experience. Please note: there are no refunds. Classes are transferable, but not refundable.

With gratitude – Heather

Upcoming Events

Spring Flow
Gentle Yoga - Tuesdays, in-person, Welland

New 7 week session May 7th – June 18th

Tuesdays 630pm – 8pm

These gentle, therapeutic, classes are designed to help you unwind from the day and release tension and struggle by moving mindfully, breathing more intentionally and practicing letting go of unnecessary stress. In each class we’ll work on gentle, warming postures that ignite a feeling of inner lightness, strength and balance in both body and mind. This is an all-levels practice suitable for both beginners and experienced yogis. Although this is a gentle class, some physical mobility is required. We’ll focus on postures, sequences, somatic exercises, meditations and breathwork that help us move with ease and grace through life’s ever-changing landscapes. Music and specially curated playlists are used in every class

 Space is limited. Pre-registration is required. Exact location will be sent after registration

Back Care Yoga Therapy
In-person small group classes, Fonthill

Thursdays May 16th – June 20th (6 weeks)

6:30pm – 8pm Fonthill

These gentle therapeutic yoga classes focus on building strength, flexibility, balance and core stability while moving gently through both flexion and extension of the spine (forward, and backward bending). We’ll also use simple breathing techniques, relaxation exercises and somatic sequences to help ease stress from the body and mind so we can release the tension that contributes to our physical health. This class is great for those with back issues, but also a wonderful supportive session for stress relief. Small class sizes allow for lots of individual attention and space for questions.

 Please note: there are stairs to get into and out of the studio.



Yoga Therapy for Nervous System Regulation
Gentle Yoga - small group classes
In person, Fonthill

 6 week session begins May 13th – June17th 

6:30pm, Fonthill 

This class is specifically for stress management, anxiety reduction, nervous system regulation and deep healing. We work on gentle somatic yoga and movement practices, as well as breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation/relaxation practices for body, mood and mind. This type of practice can bring back a feeling of safety and ease, while offering you a supportive space to release, relax and revive yourself. These classes happen in small groups (max 5) at The Yoga Den (my home studio in Fonthill). 

 Space is limited. Pre-registration is required. Exact location will be sent after registration

Detox Yoga for Bliss & Balance
Sundays, in-person, Fonthill

A 7 Week yoga series for cleansing & renewal 

New Session: May 19 – June 30th

Please note: there is no class on June 2nd or June 16th.

Join us for this special Sunday morning session offered as an antidote to whatever stress or tension the week brought. These mid morning sessions are designed to get you moving and flowing with some amazing ‘Sunday self-care’. Think: gentle detox through warming, flowing yoga & breathing sequences to enhance digestion, inspiration, inner radiance and power. This class invites you to breathe deep and move your body in ways that strengthen and align you both physically and mentally with the seasonal energies of Spring -emergence, new beginnings, expansion . Classes encourage strength and the release of stagnation. But we’ll also spend time relaxing deeply and giving space for your rest and reflection. Best for those with some yoga experience and those wishing to build more strength, focus and flexibility. 

Expect a gentle but invigorating practice with lots of twists and flows plus plenty of opportunities to release your week, and soften your heart.

Monthly Schedule

Below is our full schedule, you can sign up for a class by clicking on it below, or purchase a multi-pass, or an unlimited membership!

Purchase a Pass or Membership


$ 77 per Month
  • Unlimited On-Demand
  • Admission to all live streams


$ 95 one time fee
  • Admission to 10 Classes


$ 48 one time fee
  • Admission to 5 Classes


$ 37 per month
  • Unlimited On-Demand
    (6 Months)


$ 44 per Month
  • Unlimited On-Demand
    (1 Month)